a white cup of coffee on a plate surrounded by coffee beans, spices, baked goods, and maple syrup to show maple syrup in coffee

Maple Syrup in Coffee - Best Natural Sweetener

Have you ever thought of switching out regular sugar for another sweetener in your coffee? If you have, you are not alone. So many people are trying to only add natural sweeteners to their coffee, baked goods, and other foods. One of the best natural sweeteners is maple syrup in coffee.

This type of syrup is often used on top of pancakes, waffles, and french toast. But how would maple syrup in coffee taste? Well, the only way to find out is to try it! Today, we are going to share what we have discovered about using maple syrup in coffee. 

a brown mug of maple syrup coffee on a table in a coffee shop with people in the background

Can You Mix Maple Syrup in Coffee?

Okay, so you can definitely mix maple syrup in coffee. We definitely recommend maple syrup in coffee, unlike buttermilk in coffee. Since maple syrup is a liquid, you can easily stir it into the coffee. However, it is important to note that maple syrup is thicker than a simple syrup. That means you may need to stir the syrup in a little more. 

The good news is maple syrup dissolves quicker than regular sugar. You won’t be stirring the syrup in quite as much as you would sugar. Plus, you won’t have any clumps that simply won’t dissolve when you reach the bottom of your coffee cup. 

The result of putting maple syrup in coffee is a smooth and rich taste. 

Different Types of Maple Syrup

There are a couple different types of maple syrup. The kind most people are familiar with is what you put on your pancakes and other breakfast foods. It is commonly called pancake syrup. That syrup is made from corn syrup and sugar. It's not really what you want to add to your coffee if you're looking for a natural alternative to regular sugar.

The other maple syrup is pure maple syrup. This syrup is available in different grades. Those grades are determined by color, density, clarity, and flavor. 

Grade A is always a light color with a lighter flavor. Grade B syrup is darker in color and stronger in flavor. 

Determining which type of pure maple syrup is best to add to your coffee is simple. If you simply want a hint of maple flavoring in your coffee, choose Grade A pure maple syrup. Want a stronger maple taste? Opt for Grade B! 

close up view of maple syrup being poured onto a spoon


Ordering Maple Coffee Drinks at a Coffee Shop

When you want a hint of maple flavoring in your coffee, you can order it at your local coffee shop. Tim Hortons, Dunkin, and Starbucks have been adding maple syrup to certain coffees for a few years now. These drinks are especially popular during the holiday season. 

Don’t think you must leave your house to get the delicious maple flavor in your coffee though. You can easily add maple syrup to your coffee at home! Simply brew your coffee as you usually do. Then, instead of adding in sugar, pour in a little maple syrup. Start with a little and then adjust the amount until you reach your desired sweetness. 

a barista handing coffee to customers in a coffee shop

See, it’s not difficult to put maple syrup in coffee and have it taste amazing!  

If you're looking for another amazing and unique coffee recipe, try our blueberry latte recipe!

The Benefits of Adding Maple Syrup in Coffee

There are a couple benefits when you add maple syrup to your coffee. Where sugar has empty calories and no nutritional value, maple syrup has a few things your body needs. 

In every tablespoon of pure maple syrup you will find:

  • Calcium - 13.4 mg
  • Potassium - 40.8 mg
  • Iron - 0.2 mg 
  • Zinc - 0.8 mg
  • Manganese - 0.7 mg

The best part is pure maple syrup has a lower value on the glycemic index scale. This means it doesn’t elevate blood sugar levels as quickly as regular sugar does. 

You shouldn’t go overboard with the amount of maple syrup you ingest every day. However, small amounts can be much healthier than the same amount of sugar. 

a yellow mug of coffee surrounded by fall leaves, coffee beans, and spices

People have been drinking specialty drinks with maple syrup at Tim Hortons, Dunking, Starbucks, and other coffee shops for a while now. If you haven’t jumped on the trend of putting maple syrup in your coffee yet, you don’t know what you are missing! Skip the line though and try making your own coffee with maple syrup at home. We guarantee you can make it just as good as your favorite barista. 



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