Moka Pot vs Pour Over - Which Brews Better Coffee?

Moka Pot vs Pour Over - Which Brews Better Coffee?

For the everyday person, all he is interested in is grabbing a morning cup of coffee. To the average person, a cup of coffee is a cup of coffee, however, for coffee junkies and those whose love for coffee is a bit above average, you will agree that's not true.

There are always subtle differences in the flavor. These differences can be attributed to the type of coffee beans, amounts of coffee, and sometimes the brewing process.

The debate among coffee enthusiasts about the best coffee brewing method has been endless. And one of the most common arguments is the Moka Pot vs Pour Over argument. A lot of people use their personal preferences and biases to drive their arguments.

Would you like to read a review devoid of any coffee preferences and totally unbiased? You are in the right place. Read on and enjoy.

Moka Pot or Pour Over - Which is Better?

If you want a direct answer, sorry to disappoint you, but there isn’t a direct answer for this. The truth is you can make fantastic coffee with both of them. They possess distinct characteristics and mechanisms by which they operate.

While we will not be giving a direct answer, we will be giving you a side-by-side comparison of Moka Pot and Pour Over, to help you decide which is the most practical option best for you. Let's dive in.

Brewing Time

The design of the Moka pot requires that it is used over a stove and doesn’t necessarily need preheating. For the pour-over brew, you will need preheating. Also, pour-over brewers require a certain temperature.

Moka pot is the perfect fit for those who want convenience and speed. Since there is no need for a stove and preheating, the Moka pot will help you get large quantities of coffee ready on time.

However, there is a downside to using Moka Pot. After Brewing Coffee, using Moka Pot you have to give it some time to cool.

On the other hand, if you belong to the class of people who likes to take their coffee as soon as it is done brewing- then you should go for the pour-over method.

So in terms of brew time, we consider it a stalemate between Moka Pot and Pour Over


If you are a control freak or adventurous- then the Pour over is for you. With Pour overs, you have a higher level of control over factors that form part of coffee making process.

Using Pour over method, you get to experiment with different things. For instance, you can easily control the water temperature, and the coffee-to-water ratio. You can also add flavors easily, something that isn’t easily obtainable with a Moka pot.

On the other hand, Moka Pot is limiting because everything is automated- So you do not have much control.

The pour-Over method wins this round.


If you want consistent coffee brews you should opt for the Moka pot. Moka is fully automated, so you can expect a great level of consistency in the quality.

On the other hand, with the pour-over method, everything is hand-made. So you will need a level of skill to continually create excellent coffee. A beginner coffee maker will definitely have issues creating consistent quality. It takes practice to gain mastery and become a pour-over coffee maker.

For us, Moka Pot wins this round!

Cleaning and Maintenance

It is no brainer that after prolonged use, you need to do some cleaning for your coffee maker. When it comes to  Moka pots, they can be pretty easy and straightforward to use but the same can't be said for cleaning them.

Moka pots have three parts- A boiler, a filter and a collector ( a removable filter held firmly with a rubber gasket). 

Some of these parts are made up of metal components and these components are soap-sensitive, so you have to carefully take the brewer apart and wash it without soap. This is because detergent can easily get stuck in one of the metal components and you wouldn’t want your coffee to have some funny taste. The best way to take care of your Moka pot is by rinsing it with warm water.

On the contrary, cleaning Pour-over is much easier. All you need to do is take out the paper filter that is filled with coffee grinds. Then use a mild soap and a soft sponge to clean the dripper’s groove. Then you rinse and dry.

Taste and Strength

Moka pots are sometimes referred to as stovetop espresso makers, this isn’t entirely correct. Although the Moka pot uses steam pressure just as an espresso machine, the pressure used isn’t the same.

An espresso machine uses about four times more pressure than a Moka Pot. Additionally, you would not get the crema or flavor as strong as a true espresso.

Nevertheless, Moka pots produce strong coffee with a rich texture that can be considered espresso-like coffee. If you love your coffee to have a strong flavor, Moka pots trump Pour over in that aspect. Dark roasted beans and a finer coffee grind are often used for Moka Pots.

On the contrary, Pour-over is not suitable for making espresso or any type of bold coffee. However, if you want lighter and delicate coffees, pour-over is your best bet. Pour over coffee gives you that clean and subtle flavor. A lighter roast and a medium coarse grind are usually used with pour-overs. 

To put things succinctly, Moka pots coffee is about three times stronger than pour-over coffee. It's a Stalemate here, you choose your winner based on personal preferences. 

Final Verdict

The truth is, no one can give a universally accepted answer, let your personal preferences guide you in making the best decision for yourself.  We hope you find this article in making the right decision.


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